Oslo Middle School Guidance
Course Recovery
Dear Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade Students and Parents:
In 2006, the State Legislature passed House Bill 7087 (A++) which mandates that all middle school students must pass ALL academic core course work prior to graduation from middle school.
In order to be promoted to ninth grade, the first year of high school, students are required to:
Successfully pass and complete all semesters in each core academic area of: Math, Science, Language Arts and Social Studies in 6th, 7th and 8th grade (a total of 12 academic courses).
This legislation means that students who do not successfully complete these courses each semester at the appropriate grade level will have to retake the courses before they are promoted to high school.
This may mean that students:
- May be enrolled in Course Recovery classes
- Retake courses the next year and miss some opportunities to take electives
- Spend more than three years in middle school in order to complete all middle school requirements
- May be required to attend summer school classes
In addition to the core course requirements, the state instituted certain reading requirements for students scoring at Levels 1. Indian River County has further required that middle school students scoring a Level 1 on any State Reading Assessment participate in both remedial reading and developmentally appropriate reading classes.
It is important that students and parents understand the importance of this legislation and the potential effect it will have. Students are encouraged to actively participate in their education by completing all assignments and studying for his/her classes. Parents are urged to continue to monitor their child's progress through either eSembler (online program) and/or by staying in contact with your child's teachers. By doing so it allows us all to move toward our common goal of success for your child. Should you have questions at any time while your son/daughter is enrolled at Oslo Middle please do not hesitate to contact the Guidance Department at 772-564-4004.
Currently we are offering course recovery classes on Tue, Wed, and Thur from 2:45pm - 4:15pm. Bus transportation will be provided. For more information, contact the guidance office at 772-564-3920.